Welcome back. Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. This week’s news produced a couple Hot & Topical trivia team names. First we had a fun and fanciful story to follow regarding the President and TIME. From that we get:

Probably TIME Magazines Team of the Year

And courtesy of Eminem and the confusion at the CFPB we have this catchy tune:

Will the real acting director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau please stand up, please stand up, please stand up.

And for our Trivia Newton John Originals we have a nice play on names for you:

Dalai Lama Mad at Mama

Now get out there to those pubs and bring home the win!

Thanksgiving Trivia Team Theme

With Thanksgiving fast approaching, we whipped up a few special additions to the hot & topical:

Tryptophantastic Beasts
James K. Polkahontas
Wild Turkey, couldn’t drag me away.
Pumpkin Pie Aren’t Squared

This last week in the news, Senator Al Franken has been added to the growing list of people accused of sexual misconduct and being terrible at apologizing. Also, the UCLA men’s basketball team leads the league in off-the-court steals, as three players found themselves detained in China after they were caught shoplifting. From that we present to you two more H&T additions:

Al Franken’s Touching Tribute to the Military
Chinese Department of Corrections and Olympic Team Recruiting

We have received another great submission from the TNJ community:

Trivially Hirsute (or Trivial Hirsutes)

Thank you Cizzle! That has been added to the TNJ Originals.

Have a great Thanksgiving week!

New Week, New Trivia Team Names

Welcome back! We committed to doing weekly updates to the hot & topical to bring you the most cutting edge names. Unfortunately we dropped the ball and that didn’t happen last week. Don’t judge us too harshly. After all, you are the one on here that procrastinated to figure out a trivia team name. Well, let’s let bygones be bygones and move on to the hot takes.

We have four new names in our Hot & Topical collection and a new Trivia Newton John original. We also received a great submission from the TNJ community.

Kevin Spacey, star of the 1992 blockbuster classic Consenting Adults, was recently in the news. In short, don’t expect a sequel anytime soon but maybe a prequel. At least from his woes, we get some good fodder for trivia team names.

Send Kevin Spacey Back to K-PAX
Keyser Söze fed me cookies and rosé.

In other (but similar) news, an Alabama Republican Senate candidate and his 10-gallon hat are both in hot water after claims of sexual misconduct. From that we get this team name gem:

Our team name is so childish, Roy Moore wants to date it.

We were a little late to get this last one published to the H&T but it still holds up for a good chuckle factor:

Future Former Twitter Employees

For our TNJ Originals, funnyman and scientist Neil deGrasse Tyson gave us an idea for a great before-and-after throwback name:

Neil deGrasse Tyson’s Punch-Out

Big thanks to TNJ community member Slam Daddy for this original:

Who is Alex Trebek?

Keep those submissions coming. They are the only names that we will give credit to here at Trivia Newton John.

Good luck this week out there at the games!

Trivianewtonjohn.com has been outdone!

Welcome to our blog! Unfortunately, we have to kick things off by admitting we have been bested. We set out to be the #1 trivia team name idea website around and we failed. This website is way better than ours:


They offer a service to pub and bar owners to outsource trivia hosting but they also feature some really great and relevant team name ideas. We would gladly take second best trivia team naming site to them, but in reality (and more importantly google ranking) we are much, much further down the list. The good news is we aren’t quitters. As long as trivia nights exist in the free world and we don’t get sidetracked with other pet projects, we will strive for the top.